Wednesday 10 December 2014

Noni Juice Cures

Juicing is one of the newest trends in health and wellness; however, noni juice takes that trend a step further. A juice with a plethora of benefits, noni delivers an assortment of nutrients to the body in an easily digestible form. First used as a juice to ease digestive issues, noni has since been identified as an effective treatment for a host of other conditions as well.

What is Noni?

Noni is the name for a tropical fruit. Grown on a tropical evergreen tree, noni is native to the Pacific Islands of Polynesia and Tahiti. The fruit also grows abundantly in India, regions of Australia, South America, and the Caribbean. Today, the tree and its fruit are even grown in other parts of the world.

All of the parts of the noni tree serve as beneficial health treatments. The fruit, leaves, flowers, stems, bark, and roots are used for making medicine and treating a wide range of conditions. The fruit can be taken by mouth or used as a topical application with equally beneficial results; however, some individuals find the fruit and juice somewhat unpleasant in both smell and taste.

Health Benefits of Noni

The most common form of health treatment including noni is the juice. In any of its forms, however, noni is a great source of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. The fruit also boasts potent doses of vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and vitamin B3. The fat-free pulp is an added bonus that delivers additional nutrients, texture and even taste.
With all of these benefits and more, noni fruit is effective for supporting and improving health. The fruit is used to promote digestion, relieve pain, increase energy, prevent skin and hair issues, disable degenerative diseases, and fight cancer. More specifically, the fruit can be used to treat such conditions as colic, diabetes, liver disease, malaria, smallpox, asthma, arthritis, migraine, premenstrual syndrome, high blood pressure, muscle pains, atherosclerosis, and a variety of other common ailments.

Whether a juice cleanse sounds like a beneficial option or not, noni fruit is an effective health treatment for more than just its juice. The fruit itself possesses an abundance of nutrients, securing it as an alternative treatment option for a variety of conditions.

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