Wednesday 14 January 2015

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Health benefits of noni juice include prevention of cancer, protection and healthy functioning of liver maintenance of cardiovascular health, relaxed muscles, relief from memory problems and conditions like gout and diabetes. The immense antioxidant potential of noni juice exerts antipsychotic, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects which are valuable in treating conditions like arthritis and disorders related to central nervous system.
Since thousands of years, the natural healing power of noni juice has been esteemed for its ability to keep the skin healthy, boost energy levels and prevent general body weakness, accelerates wound healing and toughens the immune defense system of the body.
Noni juice is derived from the fruit of a small evergreen plant called noni, also known as Indian mulberry normally found in global subtropics and tropics. Botanical name Morinda citrifolia, noni belongs to the Rubiaceae family and is privileged as the ‘queen’ of the Morinda genus owing to its conspicuous attributes, versatile nature and distinctive capability of spreading itself usually on the seashores without requiring much human intervention. It is often one of the earliest species which grow on the freshly deposited lava flows typically in Hawaiian regions.
The historic beginning and geographic dissemination of noni juice in the pacific islands traces back to thousands of years. Until the later part of twentieth century, noni plant was just used for dyeing clothes before its intriguing therapeutic value took its position at the forefront of alternative medication. Since then it has been admired as a focus of the Polynesian conventional medicine and is deliberated as a sacred healer among the Hawaiians for every plausible imbalance. In the recent years, noni juice has been a part of discussions and speculations globally attributing to its unique healing characteristics however, its true therapeutic potential is yet to be discovered.
Noni tree is more like a shrub or small tree with its height ranging from 3-10 m. It has rounded branches, dark shiny leaves, reddish-brown seeds, small groupings of edible white flowers which in due course progress into a few-inches long, potato or egg-shaped greenish white fruit carved with many round grooves.

NoniNutrition Value of Noni juice

Noni juice offers an impressive gamut of healthful vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients. Vitamin content of noni juice include vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3(niacin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid ), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and beta-carotene. Mineral content present in noni juice include calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Along with this, the abundance of natural chemical constituents and an inspiring range of antioxidants such as quercetin, vanillin, pinoresinol, proxeronine, kaempferol, isoscopoletin, bisdemethylpinoresinol and scopoletin accentuate the entire nutritional value of the noni juice.

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

A long-established cure, noni is a plant with multiple benefits ranging from traditional usage of its wood for making tools to its juice being used as a first aid or for treating critical illnesses. Healing effects of noni juice for various medical conditions have been discussed as under:
Antioxidant potential: Noni juice has a tremendous anti-oxidative potential which seeks out for the oxygen free radicals and neutralize their negative effects. A research conducted on the patients with heavy smoking habits making them vulnerable to many diseases have advocated the protective effect of noni juice in improving the radical scavenging potential of their bodies and providing relief from the diseases caused by oxidative stress.
Cancer: The anti-cancer qualities of noni juice have been traditionally trusted and advocated by the modern science. Various clinical and laboratory research have suggested the chemo-preventive properties of noni juice in the prevention of various cancers such as lung cancer, liver cancer and renal cancer owing to the abundance of healing antioxidants. As supported by another scientific finding, effectiveness of noni juice in reducing the risk of cancer attributes to its ability to block the carcinogen-DNA binding and prevent adduct formation. Furthermore evidences have revealed the efficacy of noni juice in retarding the tumor growth in mammary glands by significantly decreasing the weight and volume of the tumors in the subjects.
Gout: Morinda Citrifolia or noni juice extends its therapeutic effects in curing gout. The effectiveness of noni juice in curing such diseases attributes to its inhibitory action on the xanthine oxidase enzymes which are implicated in gout and its associated problems. Scientific research has also supported this curative effect of noni juice which has been in practice from over thousands of years.
Antispasmodic effect on muscles:Consumption of noni juice may help create a relaxing effect on the muscles. Researchstudies have revealed the antispasmodic properties of noni juice possibly attributing to the blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels and secretion of intracellular calcium content in the body. It helps in suppressing the muscles spasms and soothes the associated pain and discomfort.
Cardiovascular health: Noni juice may prove valuable in maintaining cardiovascular health. Noni juiceexerts dilating effects on the blood vessels by comforting the smooth muscles cells within the cells walls resulting in a better flow of blood in the arteries. This vasodilating effect of noni juice helps regulate the blood pressure and assists in maintaining a healthy heart. Furthermore, research has demonstrated the positive effects of noni juice on the lipid profiles which are again a major aspect in the maintenance of cardiac health. It may benefit in reducing the LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, total cholesterol content, homocysteine and improves HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the body.   
General body fatigue: Noni juice is a time-honored medicine and was traditionally used by Polynesians to combat general body weakness and advancing quality of life and energy levels. Various clinical researches and studies have shown the ergogenic qualities of noni juice which helps in enhancing the tolerance, elasticity and overall physical performance of the body.
Liver protection: Noni fruit is also known for its effectiveness in protecting against the liver diseases. As supported by research study, noni juice exercises hepato-protective effects on the liver which assists in protecting the organ from exposures to chronic exogenous chemicals and defends against major illnesses like liver damage.
Anti-psychotic qualities: Noni juice has been historically utilized for treating a range of ailments including the disorders related to central nervous system.  Studies investigating the anti-psychotic effects of noni juice have shown significant improvement in the subjects especially with respect to their behavioral issues and have demonstrated its huge potential to be used in curing psychiatric disorders. Additionally, nonijuice has also been suggested to have therapeutic effect on the brain damage attributing to the curing power of natural chemical components. It may assist in preventing cerebral ischemic stress without affecting the efficacy of good enzymes and antioxidants functioning in the body.
Arthritis: Healing powers of noni juice brings relief in inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Scientificevaluation has provided qualitative evidence regarding the analgesic traits of noni juice which helps in alleviating pain and sensitivity thereby, reducing the joint destruction implicated in the painful arthritis. The study also suggested that the remedial efficacy of noni juice is at par with some of the well-known commercially available analgesic drugs.
Aid for memory impairment: Noni juice may exert protective effect in curing the problems of memory impairment. Research studies conducted on subjects with weakened memory functions have suggested that consumption of noni juice encourages cerebral blood flow and helps improve memory functions.
Diabetes: Diabetic individuals may also benefit from the healing power of Morinda citrifolia or noni extracts. This has been proven by a research study which has shown the effectiveness of noni juice as a remedial herb for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Scientific evidence has testified that consumption of noni juice helps in reducing the level of glycosylated hemoglobin, serum triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the body. In addition to this, it works towards enhancing insulin sensitivity and stimulates the uptake of glucose.
Healthy skin: Noni juice may be regarded as a natural aid in beauty and skin care. Studies suggest that noni juice is rich in protective chemical constituents, anthraquinones which exert collagen stimulating effects and prevents the formation of wrinkles on the skin surface. Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties of noni juice work at the cellular levels and are useful in curing various skin disorders including acne, burns, allergic skin reactions and hives holistically. The presence of essential fatty acids and high concentration of biochemical component proxeronine, which is a precursor to the alkaloid xeronine in noni juice supports efficient functioning of cell membranes, tends to normalize abnormal cells and help restores young and healthy skin.
Gastric emptying: Noni juice may prove useful through its impact on the gastric emptying process in which the food exits the stomach and enters the duodenum. The results from a study conducted on noni juice revealed that phytonutrients present in noni juice delays the gastric emptying which slows down the digestion resulting in slow discharge of sugars in the bloodstream. The study also suggests that noni juice stimulates the release of digestive enzymes, cholecystokinin without altering the volume of urine, feces and intestinal transit.
Wound healing: The juice of Morinda citrifolia or noni is effectual in speeding up healing of wounds. Research study evaluating the wound curing properties of noni juice has revealed positive results with respect to the increase in the weight of the granulation tissues, functioning of collagen and hydroxyproline and protein content. As mentioned above, noni juice helps in reducing the blood sugar levels in the body which can also be correlated to the accelerated wound healing process.     
Stronger immune defense: Strengthened immune system is yet another benefit of noni juice which accentuates its credibility. Since the earlier times noni juice has been valued for its effectiveness in fighting infections and other ailments attributing to the presence of valuable polysaccharides. These helpful components stimulate the activity of white blood cells which play an important role in exerting such protective effect. Scopoletin present in noni juice possess anti-bacterial, antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and anti-histamine properties which significantly contribute in sustaining the immune defense mechanism of the body.
Noni: word of caution
Research evaluating the safety and efficacy of noni juice has provided positive results regarding its consumption on the dose dependent basis. However, special cases and individual concerns require caution to be exercised. Few of the concerns have been mentioned as under:
High potassium content: Noni juice contains a good concentration of potassium which may interfere with various drugs used for curing high blood pressure such as potassium-sparing diuretics and angiotensin receptor blockers. These two can collectively result in very high levels of potassium in the body giving rise to symptoms like nausea and cardiac arrhythmia.
Kidney problems: Basis the above mentioned reason, noni juice should not be taken by the individuals already combating with kidney problems as it may tend to aggravate the existing condition.
Although several studies have advocated regarding the safety of noni juice, it is strongly recommended to consult a medical professional before considering it for remedial measures especially during special conditions like pregnancy and lactation. Other than that, natural caution before trying something for the first time always keep you better particularly when you are not aware of the allergic reactions.

Noni: Summary

Noni juice has been prized for its medicinal nature for more than 2000 years in Polynesia, china and India and is a major part of emerging healthcare trend. Numerous people across the globe including the health experts have testified the astounding and life-changing health related benefits of noni juice. While the fruit and its juice are quite popular for their therapeutic qualities, other parts of the noni plant such as bark, leaves and roots too have a spanning history of traditional usage in Polynesia. The bark and roots of the noni plant have been traditionally used for dyeing purposes attributing to the presence of yellow chemicals known as anthraquinones.
Apart from the above listed advantages, proxeronine present in noni juice is an effective anti-inflammatory enzymes which also provides relief in symptoms of menstrual pain and endometriosis in women. Noni juice helps elevate the mood by stimulating the production of serotonin and prevents the condition of anxiety and depression. It works as an amplifier for the entire endocrine system which is positive for the functioning of thymus gland, pineal gland, adrenal glands and sex organs for both males and females. All these health gains and medicinal features make noni juice a potent remedy in multiple indications and promote overall health.

Saturday 10 January 2015

How to Use BSY Noni Black Hair Magic Shampoo

BSY NONI BLACK HAIR MAGIC SHAMPOO is 100% natural plant-based hair dye and nourishing cream, which makes hair black in less than 10 minutes

This shampoo can cure your white hair problem,dandruff and fallen hair.It just need 7 minute to have black hair. This shampoo made from combination of herbal. Just Use 1 sachet u can have black hair. It's combination shampoo and conditioner.

Including various Chinese medicine essence and herbal nourishing cream such a noni ,wild ginseng,wild ganoderma lucidum and so on. The Black hair magic took the hair nutrition and healthy experts two years to developed it. Combined with various fruit gathering essence, amino acid, ZPT, collagen, etc , it contains a kind brand new formula that rapidly turn your hair black. Meanwhile it can dispel the stubborn dandruff, supplement nutrient to the root of the hair and ineffectively prevent hair losing. Safe and healthy, without hair dye and won't turn red, thus become the best product for hair styling.

As the noni black hair magic is a kind of nutrition shampoo, especially for the one who has grey or yellow hair. If continually used for three times monthly, it will give you ideal pitch-black hair.

The noni black hair magic has two major characteristics:
1. Easy to use and time saving
2 Scientific formula without chemical composition, thus won't hurt the hair and won't turn red or fade.

1. Wear a pair of gloves (if not this shampoo will blacken your nail without harmful effect.)
2. Wet your hair and dry it with a towel.
3. Pour the Noni Black Hair Magic on your hands and mix it well.
4. Place the mixture onto the hair and keep massaging for 7 ~ 10 minutes. For best result, cover the hair with shower cap for additional 10 minutes. Note: Avoid letting the shampoo stay on your forehead for too long, as it will turn black.
5. Rinse your hair thoroughly

Priis Trading Company is the legimate Exporter and supplier of BSY Noni Black Hair Magic Shampoo and other BSY products India.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

BSY Noni Black Hair Magic Shampoo Functions

BSY NONI BLACK HAIR MAGIC SHAMPOO is 100% natural plant-based hair dye and nourishing cream, which makes hair black in less than 10 minutes

This shampoo can cure your white hair problem,dandruff and fallen hair.It just need 7 minute to have black hair. This shampoo made from combination of herbal. Just Use 1 sachet u can have black hair. It's combination shampoo and conditioner.

Including various Chinese medicine essence and herbal nourishing cream such a noni ,wild ginseng,wild ganoderma lucidum and so on. The Black hair magic took the hair nutrition and healthy experts two years to developed it. Combined with various fruit gathering essence, amino acid, ZPT, collagen, etc , it contains a kind brand new formula that rapidly turn your hair black. Meanwhile it can dispel the stubborn dandruff, supplement nutrient to the root of the hair and ineffectively prevent hair losing. Safe and healthy, without hair dye and won't turn red, thus become the best product for hair styling.

As the noni black hair magic is a kind of nutrition shampoo, especially for the one who has grey or yellow hair. If continually used for three times monthly, it will give you ideal pitch-black hair.

The noni black hair magic has two major characteristics:
1. Easy to use and time saving
2 Scientific formula without chemical composition, thus won't hurt the hair and won't turn red or fade.
1. Wear a pair of gloves (if not this shampoo will blacken your nail without harmful effect.)
2. Wet your hair and dry it with a towel.
3. Pour the Noni Black Hair Magic on your hands and mix it well.
4. Place the mixture onto the hair and keep massaging for 7 ~ 10 minutes. For best result, cover the hair with shower cap for additional 10 minutes. Note: Avoid letting the shampoo stay on your forehead for too long, as it will turn black.

Priis Trading Company is the legimate Exporter and supplier of BSY Noni Black Hair Magic Shampoo and other BSY products India.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Noni Juice Benefits of Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) Drink

Noni, the magical fruit from Polynesia, has a growing base of fans who swear by its health benefits. the popularity of the unsightly fruit is increasing worldwide and the sales of noni juice, capsules and powders are soaring. Millions of People are now taking notice of the numerous noni juice benefits, and they enjoy the health benefits that noni juice offers.

Noni originally came from India and is the fruit of the Morinda plant.

What is Noni Juice? What is Noni Drink? What is Morinda Citrifolia (Juice)?
Science has taken the mystery out this plant. Hundreds or research studies have proven that the benefits of noni juice are real.

Noni, or Morinda Citrifolia, is a fruit bearing tree native to India but has been transplanted all over the world. The tree usually grows well in warm, sandy or volcanic conditions, so it can also be found in throughout in the Pacific Islands. For some reason it grows best in Tahiti so Tahiti has become one of Noni's largest growers and exporters.

It is Rich in Vitamins and Minerals so the Juice has the become well known for its many benefits.

Some Physicians refer to the Noni juice benefits as the most important in the field of natural medicines and perhaps the future of pharmaceuticals. The benefits are too numerous to mention here but a quick search on the internet will turn up hundreds of studies and testimonials.

Morinda Citrifolia is also known as Indian mulberry and beach mulberry. This is an essential part of ancient Indian medicne, called Ayra Veda.

Noni fruit that has been properly grown, picked and processed has a multitude of benefits. The proper picking and processing is key to the delivery of the many benefits. It is good to eat it fresh off the tree but this is not always possible. Watch the video at the bottom of this text to get an idea of the trouble one company goes through to ensure the best quality of the noni juice.

As far as noni juice benefits go, this is a list of just a few:

Consumption of Noni equals 55% to 100% of the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI). Noni has high levels of carbohydrates and dietary fibres so its consumption may also help in reducing weight.

Xeronine, which is an alkaloid in the noni fruit plays an important role in the repair of cells in the body. Xeronine also helps in regulation of rigidity and shape of specific proteins in the human body. It enables the cells in the human body receive essential nutrients for the better performance. Sodium and Potassium in Noni help in delivering its superior antioxidants in the human body.

The juice can also act as an anti-ageing agent.

Noni juice helps in strengthening the human (and animal) immune system.

Noni juice can help in the energy levels of the body.

Noni juice is considered to be helpful in treating throat and mouth problems, and also in controlling menstrual bleeding. Many other diseases like blood sugar, blood pressure, arthritis can be influenced with Noni juice.

The juice can also be used as a laxative and for stimulating digestion.

Another Noni Juice Benefit comes from its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic effects.

The presence of noni-ppt or noni precipitate in Noni Juice makes it an effective product for many health issues including its use as an anti-inflammatory.

It also helps in improving several important functions in the human body due to the presence of Vitamin-C.

Noni Juice also contains substantial levels of the micro-nutrients Vitamin C, Iron, Niacin and Potassium. Calcium, Vitamin A and Sodium.

Athletes participating in a pilot study used noni juice daily over several weeks and their endurance showed a marked increase. The enhanced performance was attributed to noni's juice high levels of antioxidants.

Noni's medicinal value continues to be a source of excitement as noted in numerous scientific studies over the past 15 years.

There are very few, if any, substantiated drawbacks of noni when taken as a nutritional supplement. As always, consumers should be guided by their best judgement and consult with a medical professional if needed before using any supplements but in most countries noni is classified as a food and there is no danger in taking it.

Noni Nutrients
Noni is full of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It has vitamin C, iron, potassium, niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin A, sodium, calcium and a range of phytonutrients. The amount of vitamin content, however, is not impressive; it is less than from an orange and, at the same time, the sodium content is three times as high as in an orange.

Traditionally, noni has been used for strengthening the immune system, curing digestive conditions, respiratory difficulties, skin problems, cuts, burns, various types of pain, menstrual issues, boils and even broken bones.

Users have claimed to feel an increase in energy, a lowering of their cholesterol levels and a general increase in stamina and well-being.

Friday 2 January 2015

Secret Behind Noni Black Hair Magic Shampoo

Noni Black Hair Magic Shampoo Send Enquiry Hair is the crown that should be taken care of beauty and wellness, but what if you are experiencing premature aging of hair? such as the growth of white hair, commonly called gray hair, one solution is to hide gray hair by using hair coloring products. 

Contents of  NONI Black Hair Magic Shampoo 

1. Noni Extract

These plants contain substances: methyl, asetilester from kapron danasam-kapril, morindadiol and soranyidiol. Content methyl acetyl esterberguna to kill germs. Compounds moridon his efficacious as laxative compounds while soranyidiol useful to launch the release of urine. 

Noni plant root bark contains substances dye (red), called morindon and Morindin. 

2. Ginseng 

The ginseng plant has been trusted health benefits for the body, through clinical trials, the product is proven to restore the healthy condition of the hair strong and beautiful, because it contains: 

  • UV filters to protect hair from ultra violet rays of the sun and excessive heat from the hairdryer
  • Pro Vitamin B5, which can restore the normal condition of the hair so healthy, strong and not easily broken
  • Vitamin E, which is driving the regeneration of connective tissue cells and preserve the scalp
  • Allantoin, a natural substance that is accelerating the recovery of damaged cells and stimulate new hair growth

3. Polygonum Multiforum 

Polygonum multiflorum, best known as fo-ti is a Chinese herb that is said to rejuvenate the body. In Mandarin, the spice is pronounced as Hoshouwu or Heshouwu (simplified Chinese: ; Traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: shu it wu). Other less common name for this herb is used fo-ti-teng, Chinese knotweed or Flowery knotweed. 

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), P. multiflorum believed: 

  • Salutary kidney.
  • Balancing yin fragile elements.
  • Treat weak bones and premature gray hair, treating hair loss.
  • Protects the skin against UVB damage.

4. Ganoderma 

Ganoderma Lucidum is one type of fungus that commonly grows on wood or trees. Ganoderma is known in Indonesia as Wooden or Mushroom Red Mushroom (for red), whereas in China known dangan terms Lingzhi, in Malaysia and fungus called in Arabic Al Kamah desebut. Benefits and health benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum have been known since the time of Emperor 
The active substances are important, as has been described on numerous functions and the benefits derived from Ganoderma to the recovery of our health.But the key functions and benefits of Ganoderma is that it helps remove toxins in the body. 

5. ZPT (Zinc pyrithione) 

Control and reduce dandruff and itchy scalp 

6. Collagen 

Collagen is a protein that is important for our entire body, including the hair, improve hair appearance. 

Excellence BSY NONI Black Hair Magic Shampoo 

  1. No harmful chemicals (lab test results)
  2. Made from natural materials, such as
  3. Easy to use (just as shampoo)
  4. Durable, not easily fade
  5. Save time, only used for 10 minutes

Function BSY NONI Black Hair Magic Shampoo 

  1. Dyeing hair with natural black color
  2. Treating scalp
  3. Nourish Hair
  4. Provide nutrients to the hair roots
  5. Prevent hair loss
  6. Get rid of microorganisms, dandruff, and itching of the scalp

Priis Trading Company is the legimate Exporter and supplier of BSY Noni Black Hair Magic Shampoo and other BSY products India.

Noni Fruit Benefits

Noni fruit comes from Southeast Asia, and the fruit has a unique shape, when young is green, and if it is old yellowish white color, when ripe noni is white, transparent, Common form could look like eggs rather large and has black spots as its hallmark.

Noni is a fruit contains complete nutrients the body needs, including protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., In addition, this fruit has antioxidants that are great for keeping the immune system. Noni fruit contains a variety of compounds that are good for the body, some of the substances contained in noni are: askarbonat acid (source of vitamin C), substance scopoletin (prevents vessel constriction nerve), and also substances damnachantal (anticancer agent).
 Dry and scaly skin usually occur frequently due to many factors, one of which is climate change, To cope with dry and flaky skin you can use the noni fruit, The trick is to rub the noni fruit is ripe on the skin dry and then let stand about 15 minutes, and wipe using a cloth dampened with warm water.

If you have hair loss, you can use the noni fruit to cope, the way is blender noni fruit is ripe, then mix with duck egg yolk and mix evenly until it resembles a mask. After that smear on your hair that has been shampooed and let stand for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly,In addition, you can also use noni to eliminate dandruff. The way is blender noni fruit is ripe and then take the water and use to wash, when shampooing let stand for about 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. If there is still a smell of noni on you can use shampoo to clean it.

Moreover, utilizing Noni products, like BSY Noni Black Hair Magic as well as soaps, will help stop the problem in the source by assisting to regenerate the lost hair cells. Noni Juice might have several advantages in store for you if you suffer one of these simple situations.